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Robin Clare


Where there is a buildup of pressure, a release must come. In Jamaica, this release can take the opposing forms of both violence and beauty. Dancehall culture is the creative expression of this push and pull of forces. Dancehall by definition is not purely a music genre—it is a creative space both facilitating and reflecting current political discourse, an outlet for artistic expression through dance and movement, an evolving fashion trendsetter, and a vital physical and economic space.

Uniquely Jamaican in its setup, the dancehall space has existed since the days of slavery. Facilitating Jamaica’s music evolution from mento to dancehall music, it takes the world on a musical journey, with messages running the gamut of emotions from hope and protest, to fear and anger, to appreciation for the batty rider and the body that fills it out so well. Today dancehall is still an opportunity to escape everyday hardship. It is also a place for individuals to connect with their creative side through fashion and movement. It’s a space with economic opportunity and, for a very few, a tantalizing shot at fame and fortune.

The complete overview of Robin Clare’s featured work can be found in the Kingston Biennial 2022: Pressure Catalogue, which is available for sale in the NGJ Gift Shop.

Robin Clare
Title of Featured WorkInna Di DanceYear2018AuthorRobin ClareExhibitionKingston Biennial 2022: PressureGallery Location12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.Share