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Arthur Simms

From the Artist

My improvisational works incorporate the by-products of our consumer culture—thrown-away furniture, tossed bottles, worn-out clothing, scrap metal, the discarded wastepaper of junk mail—essentially, other people’s trash. In my process of transforming lowly materials into works that belie their humble origins, I perform a personal and unique kind of alchemy. Redemption, both material and spiritual, is a central theme found in my practice. My sculptures are an amalgam of ideas, histories lived and studied, memories lost and imagined, and the physical presence of objects that confront the spectator in space and asks to be recognized. The works articulate stories that speak of trying to rationalize the world. Often, color, reflection, and scale, as well as the thought process of how the viewer inhabits the same space and looks upon the work, play a major role in the development of my sculptures, mixed-media pieces, and drawings.

The four works chosen for the Kingston Biennial reflect the theme of the exhibition, “Pressure.” The sculptures themselves are literally bound together by pressure, glue, and screws. They speak of transference, immigration, loss, and connection. Loss and connection are probably contradictions, but they seem to go together in the works. The pressure that one applies through one’s touch also comes into play with these works. It is important for me to actually feel the works. All my works are created and brought to completion by me. The touch and pressure applied to create the work is a vital component of my practice. One has to feel the energy and essence of the objects that go into the work’s makeup. I believe my sculptures to be living creatures that I interact with on a daily basis. Sometimes I speak to them as if they were people. Sometimes they answer me back.

The complete overview of Arthur Simms’ featured work can be found in the Kingston Biennial 2022: Pressure Catalogue, which is available for sale in the NGJ Gift Shop.

Arthur Simms

Mixed media artist incorporating a wide range of materials and mediums to explore themes of life’s experiences.

Title of Featured WorkPortrait of a Politician VomitingYear1992ArtistArthur SimmsExhibitionKingston Biennial 2022: PressureGallery Location12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.Share