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Kingston Biennial 2022: Pressure, Film Screening Series [PART 2/4]

Following films ‘Fever Dream’ by Nile Saulter, and ‘Sprinter’ by Storm Saulter, a deep-dive into each of the films, their respective themes, challenges, and breakthroughs was led by Mrs. Isis Semaj-Hall and featured a cameo by ‘Sprinter’ actor, Kadeem Wilson during the Q&A segment. At the end of the filmmaker’s panel discussion Storm highlighted that the next films to be aired on Friday, August 26th, are exciting to him as they are both Jamaican Premieres.

An honour to have these films showcased under the Pressure theme, we invite you to take part in this very special upcoming screening. Be sure to mark Friday, August 26th on your calendars, with RSVPs being taken as early as Sunday, August 21, via Eventbrite only.

Kingston Biennial 2022: Pressure is an art exhibition at the National Gallery of Jamaica, featuring the works of 24 local and diaspora artists around the Jamaican idiom ‘Pressure.’